Monday, July 20, 2009

Salam & Greetings to all.
Hi everybody,

just wanna say, happy trading to everybody. We will resume our normal operation (being a daily chart trader) somewhere in August.

Ok guys, something for you to think of:
Scenario :
You have about USD1,000 cash to risk of (willing to lose) and want to create a hefty healthy account of USD 100,000 - USD 500,000 by doing simple trading. Your time frame is 7-10 years (growing the account slowly and steadily while doing normal job 8-5 day in day out). How much do you need to earn in term of percentage (%) p.a?

@ 50% return p.a - you will achieve USD1M in 18 years
@ 100% p.a - 10 years +/-
@ 200% p.a - 6.5 years +/-
@ 400% p.a - 4.5 years +/-

the realistic target is around 100%-200% per annum. In order to achieve this, how much do you need to earn from your trading?
200% p.a = 200 divide by 12 month = 16.7% per month
100% / 12 = 8.34 % per month.
Believe in yourself... you can do it slow and steady!... step by step.

1 comment

pog764 said...

thanks a lot bro.. really realistic figure... hope can joined you for the first time at august

salam isra'mikraj

July 20, 2009 at 6:06 PM

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